Gabi Kadlecová

née Suchopárová


My name is Gabriela Kadlecová and I am a PhD student at Charles University in Prague. My research topic is Neural architecture search, specifically I focus on performance prediction, zero-cost proxies and graph neural network used as surrogate models.

In my free time, I enjoy reading, doing sports or playing board games. Other hobbies: 🐦 🏞️ :japan: 🎹

Thank you for visiting my website, feel free to contact me using any of the social buttons ⤵️


Mar 11, 2024 I will be the online experience chair at the AutoML Conference together with André Biedenkapp.
Nov 27, 2023 I'm doing a hands-on session at the AutoML Fall School 2023!
Jun 1, 2023 Started a 3 month internship at the AutoML lab in Freiburg! 💼
Oct 1, 2021 Started a PhD in Artificial Intelligence at Charles University in Prague 👩🏽‍💻

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